8 Simple Ways to Find Balance
8 Simple Ways to Find Balance Simple things can motivate and inspire us to feel better. When we feel better, we do better and so have better life experiences. Here are 8 activities that are doable, yet simple, and will make a massive difference in your achievement of a balanced life. 1. Give gratitude: If you are reading this, you can breathe! You have use of your senses! You are able to comprehend! Think of what you have around you - the things you possess, a roof over your head, a bed to lie in, clothes to wear. By acknowledging and giving gratitude, this creates the energy for more good things to flow into your life. What do you give gratitude for? 2. Smile! Try this - SMILE. That's right: SMILE! Don't you feel better already?! Think of a wonderful experience, a happy moment, holidays, fun time spent with family or friends. Too often, we dwell on thoughts that are non-supportive to our positive well-being. Smiling stimulates the manufacture of serotonin in the br...