
Showing posts from November, 2014

Love Letter

I am in love with you, In love with who you are, And now that you have entered my life, I will nurture you forever. I travelled through hill and gully Reaching highs and depths to find The Soul, The Mate, The person who would compliment all that I am. Exhilarated in lofty mountains In despair in deep valleys, Travelling through hill and gully, Trying to find you in your haven of peace. For too long you escaped and evaded me, Moving quickly out of view, You seemed not to want me to find you, Shrinking back when I almost caught you. You seemed so pained and tortured, Misunderstood, rejected and scorned. You seemed in fear of being captured, Because you were bruised by memories untold. I understood I had to be patient, And recognise that the passing of time, Would heal the inner core, So that you could eventually be mine. With the budding of your spirit The light of love streamed in, And there you were before me, My Soul, My Ma...

How not to settle for less in your life!

True success in life can only come by not settling for less. We should always strive to achieve and get the most out of life that we possibly can. It is only when we push ourselves and give life all that we’ve got can we then give ourselves a pat on the back for a job well done.  This year has been one of great transformation. I decided to take time away from my business and work for someone else. Along the way, I felt like I was settling for less than I knew I truly wanted and deserved. A key learning point from this experience is that success in life depends on self-discipline and not giving in at the first hurdle you come across or going into a project half-heartedly. I decided to say goodbye to ‘the boss’ and welcome the challenges, exhilaration and satisfaction of saying “hello” to the life I wanted to create. I decided to push myself to be disciplined enough to go for gold in something that is vitally important to me – to realise my dreams and passions. By pushing ...

Who you are begins with What you do!

Who you are begins with What you do !   Read the title once more!  Then, answer the following questions. Before you start, let me tell you that these are BIG questions, so take your time as you reflect on each and think about your response. Go one step further and write your responses down as this is a powerful action that is an important strategy in change. What does the title mean to you in your life right now? What do your actions advertise to others about who you are?  What do your non-actions advertise to others about who you are? What is happening in your life at this moment – that impedes on your ability to complete your actions?  Picture yourself in a helicopter looking down at YOU right now! What are you doing to expand or transform your world in the way that you would like for the remainder of 2012? What needs to happen to push you towards achieving your ultimate aim? In asking myself these and other questions throughout my...

What's the Story of Your Life?

When we take time to reflect on the story of our life, we might not always be happy with what we find out. More than often, we might magnify the missed opportunities, things that don’t go right, or the staidness of life. These are often the easy culprits or scapegoats for justifying our ‘failures’ and can lead to a downward spiral of regret and depression about who we are and what we do. Sometimes, we dwell on the past and wish that we could go back in time and make better decisions about our lives. In retrospect, we all have thoughts that would certainly have led our lives on a much better path if we had taken the opportunity to bounce back the present reality with someone who was objective.  The truth is that in the everyday reality of life, we just don’t know what will happen next. It is absolutely true that it is important to focus on the present, to be bold and to live in the NOW. It is absolutely true that we must stop limiting ourselves based on fear and reg...