What's the Story of Your Life?

When we take time to reflect on the story of our life, we might not always be happy with what we find out. More than often, we might magnify the missed opportunities, things that don’t go right, or the staidness of life. These are often the easy culprits or scapegoats for justifying our ‘failures’ and can lead to a downward spiral of regret and depression about who we are and what we do.

Sometimes, we dwell on the past and wish that we could go back in time and make better decisions about our lives. In retrospect, we all have thoughts that would certainly have led our lives on a much better path if we had taken the opportunity to bounce back the present reality with someone who was objective. 

The truth is that in the everyday reality of life, we just don’t know what will happen next. It is absolutely true that it is important to focus on the present, to be bold and to live in the NOW. It is absolutely true that we must stop limiting ourselves based on fear and regret. A session with a Life Coach can help you to have better clarity of ‘knowing’ in the NOW and generate quality of thoughts that can help you create the story of life that you truly wish to have. Only when we set things into perspective and create smart life goals can we start living our dreams. A Life Coach can help you to achieve this and be committed and accountable for your actions in your life story design.

The Story of John Goddard
John Goddard is a famous American adventurer who is known all over the world for a very particular reason. In the year 1940, when he was 15 years old, he made a “Life List” which was a list of 127 goals he wanted to experience during his entire lifetime. That is a huge commitment for a 15 year old. Goddard says that he did it because most of the adults around him seemed to be complaining about how they had let life slip them by. John Goddard decided that he was not going to let the same thing happen to him. 

“Don’t let life happen to you. Do one thing today to happen to life.”
Rebecca Gordon

In a very calm fashion, he started writing down every single experience he wished to have, ranging from climbing the highest mountains to learning foreign languages or typing 50 words a minute. Since then, John has had a rich and fulfilling life and has managed to complete an amazing 109 of his written life goals. Driven by sheer willpower and a patient approach, he has steadily created a life story that’s worthy of a Hollywood movie script. And he’s still going, determined to finish the list. You too can fashion your life in the way that John Goddard has done. We are co-Creators and have the ability and capability to do so. A Life Coach is your very own personal supporter and encourager, who can help you to live your dreams and remain motivated along every step of the way.

Different People, Different Stories
While John Goddard’s life story might be impressive and inspiring, his goal list might not be applicable to everyone. A full life doesn’t have to involve jumping out of an aero plane or holding rattle snakes. Making a lot of friends or learning to dance can be just as fulfilling. It all depends on who’s writing the list. And that is one of the most important steps, the moment that you decide you are not going to sit idle as life goes by, wonderful and miraculous things start to happen! Martin Luther King Jr once said:
“Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step”.
How true that is. A Life Coach can help you self-reflect and dig deep to bring out your untold dreams… the dreams that are inside waiting for you to open the door to allow them to burst out and touch the world. When you work with your personal Life Coach, you will be empowered to create realistic goals for yourself; goals that serve you in the short-term and contribute to you stepping into your lifetime. These lists can include goals relating to relationships, career choices, education, health and work-life balance for example. We all want three things in life: 

1. to be heard; 
2. to express; 
3. to be understood. 

As your Life Coach I am committed to being there for you in all three aspects, as well as in the ultimate aspect of helping you to achieve your goals and achieve fulfillment in your life.

Start Writing Your Script!
One of the most important lessons you can learn from nature and being human is that working collaboratively is always likely to produce you with better results. Grasping life in both hands and being independent should not be confused with doing everything alone. No matter how tough you are, you need the support of others in order to succeed. As the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle are meaningless in isolation, are better as a whole than in individual parts and have boundaries that connect when pieces are joined together, so is your life! A Life Coach can help you put the pieces together and establish new connections. Make the script of your life more authentic and fun by injecting energy and new experiences into it! Be a co-Creator and start writing your own “Life List” today! Fill it with every little detail that will make you happy. Email info@satellitelifecoaching to request a personal development Growsheet that can help you on the way!

© Rebecca Gordon 


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