
Showing posts from August, 2016

A Practical Tool for Inspired Action

If you haven't had a session with your coach lately ( you do have a coach – right? ) the chances are, you may be 'slacking off' from essential things that really need to happen to stride out of a comfort zone into a superbly crafted, desired life. You will have left your last session highly motivated, fired up and raring to go ! You may have ticked off one or two actions relating to your goal. That’s great and well done! Yet 'other stuff' might be getting in the way that makes your life-changing intentions seem like long forgotten dreams.  And if you haven’t got a coach , you may be slogging away with the best will in the world, yet struggling to make headway due to a lack of clarity , certainty or directed focus. Your mental filing tray may be stacked pile high with pressing things to do that makes your own personal actions towards your goal the last thing on your mind. Those detailed notes you so passionately wrote do...

9 Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Well-being

Simple things can motivate and inspire us to feel better. When we feel better, we do better and so have better life experiences. Here are 9 activities that are doable, yet simple, and will make a massive difference in your achievement of a balanced life. 1. Give gratitude: If you are reading this, you can breathe! You have use of your senses! You are able to comprehend! Think of what you have around you - the things you possess, a roof over your head, a bed to lie in, clothes to wear. By acknowledging and giving gratitude, this creates the energy for more good things to flow into your life. What do you give gratitude for? 2. Smile! Try this - SMILE. That's right: SMILE! Don't you feel better already?! Think of a wonderful experience, a happy moment, holidays, fun time spent with family or friends. Too often, we dwell on thoughts that are non-supportive to our positive well-being. Smiling stimulates the manufacture of serotonin in the brain. This 'h...

Be an Observer of Your Thoughts

    More often than not we talk to others in a loving and kind way because we are mindful not to hurt their feelings. Yet how much care do we take to monitor our own self-talk that comes in the form of thoughts? Some time ago I attended a conference where John Kehoe explained this using the concept of Mind Power . Amongst the statements he made that day are: ‘ thoughts are things ’ and ‘your thoughts know you, oh so well’ . John raised awareness of how the mind can hold onto thoughts as absolute truths, even though they may be unhelpful or unconstructive. There are times when I have caught myself entertaining non-supportive mind chatter. Disempowering thoughts that start as a whisper, gradually turn into nagging, disapproving judgements such as: “ I’m so stupid...!” “I can’t do this...!” “Life is hard...!” “I’ll never be any good at this....” “I’m an idiot...” Without disassociation that comes by consciously being an observer of the mind such conclusions re...

Setting Healthy Boundaries Through Healing

What routine ‘off-duty’ activity do you engage in to counterbalance your ‘busy’? I know you are so passionate about what you do in your work or business that it is so easy to end up burning the midnight oil. I know you want to get everything done before looming deadlines come to pass. I know the feeling because I’ve been there too. I was so focused on making my business a success that I dedicated 90% of my 365 to being constantly ‘on task’. I felt guilty about immersing myself in ‘do nothing moments’ and struggled with setting healthy boundaries because I wanted so much to be of service in my spiritual based business. Now, fully embracing the wisdom that being older and confident brings, I find that my time-focus has shifted. My current reality perfectly exemplifies the Pareto Principle , in that, when I take time to step back from the roller-coaster that being in business can create, my creativity and results are magnified when I get back in the saddle. Pr...

Addressing Misconceptions of Black People in the Media

≈   Whilst going about our daily business, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements that compete for our attention. The hidden messages that relentlessly invade our mindspace conjur up thoughts of: ‘ you’re not good enough ,’ ‘ you don’t have enough ’, or ‘ you must have this particular thing in your life to be a better person .’ During my first visit to Ghana in 2005, I remember travelling through the bustling, vibrant city of the capital, Accra. I was in awe of the massive billboards that towered over the highways. Although the messages I received from these advertisements were much the same as those I see here in the UK – there was one stark difference. The images projected on the immense displays depicted people who look like me. As a black woman born and grown in the UK, I would like to know that I am accurately and positively represented in the media. Despite the distance we have travelled, it is sad to know that the thousands of people...

Why Your Health is Sabotaging Your Success

We live in a 24/7 world where the constant barrage of social, work or business activities greatly reduces quality time that could be better spent on rest and recuperation. It is not uncommon for someone to feel guilty for taking time out from the rat-race. ‘ Doing nothing ’ can seem like an awful waste of time, especially if you are used to leading a busy and active lifestyle. A common challenge that coaching clients bring to sessions they have booked with me, is being able to create a clear boundary between work and their personal life. What this means is that they lack the motivation to pursue their important life goals with enthusiasm or energy. A consequence of being ‘busy’ is that your best resource - which is ‘ you ’ - is not fully utilised in an effective or efficient way. Burnout can quickly ensue and lead to a physical and mental shutdown if time and effort is not given to put yourself first. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF BURNOUT If you are a ...

Re-invent Your Personal and Professional Brand

Why you should re-invent your personal and professional brand   I believe in re-invention. In doing so over the years I have re-hauled my business persona by keeping the best, discarding the rest and adding innovative concepts that reflect changing times. At the root of my business re-invention is the assessment of the ‘current position’   mapped against the ‘ideal projection ’. Re-invention is a fundamental business principle that not only triggers originality, but revives energy and leads to renewed motivation. I value this principle as a highly important strategy of being a solo-preneur. It provides time to step back, tune up and step forward confidently with improved self-projection. For the past few years, around the start of the New Year, I have booked sessions with my own coach specifically to evaluate the health of my personal brand. I do this because I recognise business branding as being very much about the ...

Lead Yourself to Change

 Lead Yourself to Change   “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” John C Maxwell. How far in advance do you start thinking about what to wear for a special event? When preparing to attend an important appointment such as a job interview or first date, what are your absolute requirements for showing up positively?  Whether interacting within a social or professional setting, how do you energetically, mentally and emotionally prepare to increase your chances of projecting your best? Your choice of dress may be influenced by factors that include the weather predicted for the day, wanting to step into the world with confidence or to meet the requirements for a particular event. Whatever your approach, the chances are that you make whatever changes are necessary to ensure success. Where 1 is that you don't and 10 is that you do, how good are you at applying the micro principles of change that you natu...

How to Move to Your Desired State

An undisputable fact about your life is that it will change - whether you wish it to or not. Just as night follows day and the seasons come and go, change is a natural law of life. Sudden, tumultuous life events can catapult us into the depths of the unknown, giving rise to emotions such as fear, anxiety and stress. This can be due to redundancy, a relationship break up, children leaving home or an illness, for example. We can be left wondering why and how the firm foothold on solid ground so suddenly crumbled underneath us, when we were getting along just fine in the cosy normality that once upon a time enduringly existed. For many, this unwanted life revolution is fiercely resisted and despised. INSTANT TRANSFORMATION TOOL Yet, changing times calls for a change in attitude. It’s time to perceive and experience life transitions differently. Be curious about the magic in change that is an opportune occasion to shift yourself onto a new, intriguing dimens...

The Art of Loving With Confidence

The word relationship is defined as: “the state of being connected, or the mutual dealings or connections that exist between two things... ”.  This gives clues to the type of interactions that foster positive, meaningful CONNECTION. The types of relationships we encounter consist of those with people, money or health, for example, yet one type of relationship that can often create turmoil is the romantic connection with a love interest. Building romantic love at any time of life can fill someone with trepidation. However, experiencing this process after 40 can bring a test of confidence that is emotionally and mentally challenging. For the middle-aged woman who enters a new relationship, ‘baggage’ doesn’t just mean the items you check in with at the airport, but includes the entourage of ‘stuff’ that surreptitiously tags along for the ride – and without invitation! This suggests that the art of loving with confidence after 40 requires conscious awa...