A Practical Tool for Inspired Action

If you haven't had a session with your coach lately ( you do have a coach – right? ) the chances are, you may be 'slacking off' from essential things that really need to happen to stride out of a comfort zone into a superbly crafted, desired life. You will have left your last session highly motivated, fired up and raring to go ! You may have ticked off one or two actions relating to your goal. That’s great and well done! Yet 'other stuff' might be getting in the way that makes your life-changing intentions seem like long forgotten dreams. And if you haven’t got a coach , you may be slogging away with the best will in the world, yet struggling to make headway due to a lack of clarity , certainty or directed focus. Your mental filing tray may be stacked pile high with pressing things to do that makes your own personal actions towards your goal the last thing on your mind. Those detailed notes you so passionately wrote do...